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The FOD – The Future of Digital Commerce – Season 1 Wrap up

28th September 2021

The FODcast is a space we created to deliver cutting-edge insights, innovative trends, success stories, and learnings from our sector. In season one, we had so many great conversations with prominent leaders from the digital commerce industry, who each shared knowledge and many golden nuggets about where digital commerce is currently, and where it’s headed. 

In season one, we were joined by seven amazing guests from the digital commerce space: leaders and experts from the industry, people with their fingers on the pulse and a specialist knowledge of how the entire sector is evolving. 

What can you expect from the first seven episodes of the FODcast? These are the noteworthy insights, important trends, and forward-thinking takeaways from each episode, from retailers and systems integrators to software vendors and full-service digital agencies. 


Michael Vax from CommerceIsDigital discusses the future of the high-street. 

As online retail continues to take center stage, bricks-and-mortar shopping destinations have to pivot. Digital has a plethora of advantages, but offline still offers opportunities to build a stronger relationship and increase customer spend. Listen to the episode here.

KPS Digital’s Branwell Moffat shares the importance of never losing sight of the basics.

While there are a lot of new tech innovations like AI and AR, it still goes back to getting those basics right if companies really want to be able to drive the biggest revenue growth. Listen to the episode here.

Sai Digital’s Chief Strategy Officer, Malcolm Wild, talks about digital commerce’s cryptocurrency challenge. 

Retailers don't know how to deal with cryptocurrency because it is still a volatile market. If companies can get over that volatility there is a chance for it to be a big player. Listen to the episode here.

Greenlight Commerce’s Kevin Murray shares his views on disruption in digital commerce. 

The disruption and innovation we’re going to see in the next couple of years will be driven by volatility in the market. Coming out of difficult periods and situations, we’re going to see people thinking out of the box. Listen to the episode here.

Boston Consulting Group’s Peter Burggraaff reveals why retailers need to invest more in their digital channels. 

If retailers want to be digital, they really need to start putting money into tech and take investment seriously. IT has to be a core part of the business, and companies need to think about how they are spending tech money and really shift from the old mindset. Listen to the episode here.

Elision’s Aroen Arjun Sharma talks about the single biggest challenge retailers are facing.

Retailers are struggling to create a physical and digital retail experience that matches the customer’s expectations. If retailers are not putting strategy and effort towards the experience the customer is going to have online and offline, they won’t be able to keep up. Listen to the episode here.

Kelly Goetsch from Commercetools discusses why big vendors are struggling to adapt to this market. 

Big vendors cannot replace the products that make them money. Trying to reinvent a software is not only expensive, it's hard to get the buy-in of customers, and they are more likely to migrate to other platforms. Trying to survive in this new digital commerce market will be an uphill battle. Listen to the episode here.

For a more in-depth dive into our favourite takeaways, watch our full roundup video, where we cover all the other amazing insights our guests left us with. You can watch it here.

If you missed any of these episodes, or you want to revisit these insightful conversations, be sure to go back and listen to them on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and YouTube.  

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